personal injury law firms Kendall

Prepare Your Case to Claim a Fair Settlement After a Car Accident

How you file for a claim after a car accident is a decision that depends on you. You could choose to contest yourself or hire personal injury law firms in Kendall for the job. In either case, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and what seems more reasonable.

Seeking a personal injury claim yourself sounds easier since it will be you who will be doing everything. However, if you miss anything along the way, you might not get another chance to claim for that. Moreover, you will be up against some of the best lawyers in the business, employed by insurance companies to deny your claim.

By hiring a personal injury lawyer or their law firm, you level the playing field. Your lawyer’s expertise and way of handling cases will matter, though, so make sure that you hire the right person.

Here’s everything you must do to make your case stronger.

File a Police report

This report needs to be filed immediately after the accident. The sooner you file it, the better. You can use this report to prove how the events unfolded and how you were injured and left to tend to yourself for no fault of yours. If you don’t file this report, and the other party does it, it will be you who might end up paying the damages.

Obtain Medical Reports

Obtain every medical report for the treatment procedures you undergo for your external as well as internal injuries. Make sure that you include all the reports in one go with your claim. Any report filed later might not be considered at all.

Make a Note of Physical Effects

You might start feeling numbness in some body parts due to the accident. You may start losing your sleep or start sleeping more than you used to. Whatever physical effects you started feeling after getting injured in the accident, record them. You might end up winning fair compensation for those too.

Record Everything that Got Affected

An accident impacts you more than you think. Your personal life may get affected, your daily lifestyle may not be the same anymore. You might even have to undergo counseling sessions to control anxiety issues that you have begun experiencing after the accident. Your emotional state may no longer be the same as before. Record all such changes and ensure that they are properly presented in front of the concerned parties.

Never Accept Your Fault

Even if you believe that you were at fault for causing the accident, do not openly admit it. Discuss this with personal injury law firms and have them decide if it’s the right way to go or not. Let them do the talking, while you only help them with every piece of evidence they need help procuring.

Seek Compensation For:

  • Loss of Pay/Job: Your accident may make you stay in the hospital or be bedridden for a while. This could lead to loss of pay, or even loss of job. If that has happened to you, you need to be paid appropriately for those losses.
  • Emotional Suffering Ever Since: Your emotional state will take a major beating after getting in an accident. You might experience the same sensation now and then, and might continue to feel them for a while. Such suffering should not be left unattended.
  • Any Kind of Disability: An accident could end up causing more damage to your body than you anticipated. You may experience temporary or permanent disability in some form. If that happens, you must seek a fitting claim for the same.

Discuss everything with your lawyer and have them help you determine everything you can file a claim for. They can also help you gather evidence to make your case stronger if needed.

For more details, call your nearest personal injury law firms in Kendall and ask for a free consultation today.

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