Drug crimes are very common in Florida They are so common that there is a dedicated drug court that deals exclusively with all offenses related to drug abuse or possession. The purpose of these courts is to reduce the burden on criminal courts and ensure that timely justice is delivered to those involved in the abuse of such controlled substances.
Drug courts can further help those convicted to avoid jail time and also don’t get a felony on their record. However, this option is only available to those who agree to a treatment-based drug court program, affirmation for which has to be given in writing.
The Law Office of Raphael A. Sanchez understands that drug abuse can easily go out of your control. We take it upon ourselves to ensure that you get a second chance at life and are not penalized extensively for your misdoing.
Our top attorneys at the Law Office of Raphael A. Sanchez can offer you different options to come clean. We can help protect your rights and interests legally and ensure that you get the best defense against the charges framed against you.
Give us a call today to discuss more.