Protect Your Rights with a Miami DUI Lawyers

What Do the Numbers Say About DUI Cases

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) annual report, Miami Dade County ranked the highest in terms of the number of crashes (64,000) that happened in 2018 alone! Many factors led to these crashes, including drug or alcohol abuse, which was recorded as an alarming factor.

Over the years, the number of accidents caused due to DUI (driving under influence) has only risen. Sadly, most of these crashes are serious in nature, which lead to massive damages, temporary or permanent disabilities, and even deaths.

But what’s worse is that many people who get caught up on the wrong end of these accidents do not get the justice they deserve.

Been in a Crash? We're Here to Assist You

As a car accident victim, you need proper medical attention the first thing. But the most important thing is the financial compensation you deserve for getting caught up in an accident that led to your injuries or disabilities. You shouldn’t be punished for getting injured or taking other damages just because the other driver was driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

At the Law Office of Raphael A. Sanchez, we can help you overcome the trauma of your accident and secure the rightful compensation for all your pain and suffering. Our experienced lawyers are here to provide the legal support you need.

Give us a call today and leave everything else on us! We will take it from there.

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    (786) 361-4037